Io Battle Royale Surviving in the forest Apex Legends Online Mini Battle Royale style PUBG Call Of Duty Sniper Assassin Battle. Other Fortnite games PixWars Zone Royale Foes IO Minecraft Battle Royale Battle Royale Zombie BattlePoint. Join me as we look at a handful of the many bad and the few good Fortnite ripoffs. Fort Shutze Simulator Fortnite Dress Up Royale Fashion Meme Dance: Fortnite Dances. Whether they occupy hard drive space on consoles or PC, or are one of the many, many, many phone games attempting to make a quick buck, they all have one thing in common. They wear their influences on their sleeve.
What doesn't handle the execution so well are the many, many rushed, autotranslated nightmares, a few of which we'll cover on this list. I don't doubt that their take on it will be executed quite well. You can expect this flood of titles to continue for years, with established franchises like Call of Duty also itching to get in on the new trend. From H1z1 to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds to Fortnite, we're living in the age of the battle royale. Since PlayerUnknown developed his mod for Arma 2, it's snowballed in popularity. The battle royale genre was never huge until fairly recently.
As you might expect, this kind of thing is still going on to this day. Or when Vietnam was the new hotness, a trend that culminated in the horror that was Tunnel Rats: 1968. Think back to the early 00s, when it seemed like every single FPS going was pitching itself as a new take on war, attempting to cash in on those Medal of Honor bucks. When a game reaches peak popularity, it's always going to attract a rash of imitations.